I am so grateful for completing this course....this is my mantra. I must sell myself on the feel good of it all, the victory and celebration for who I've become in my self discipline, [Discipline: The ability to give yourself a command and follow it].
The toughest part.. the meditation. I seem to put it off all day and then fall asleep. Not good. Why do I continue to set myself up for failure? Where else am I sabotaging my probable successes?
The second toughest part, saying goodnight to my hubby knowing he'll be far into zzzz land while I struggle to get through my last 30 mins of required reading for the day!
My feel good? I am so excited for the person I am becoming.. I mean, she has always been in there, it's just that now, she is waking up and about to imagine, create and manifest passionately bigger and better than ever before! OH and recently I've (seemingly) inspired my husband to get back to reading his goals each night again, yay!
I keep asking myself, "Self, are you noticing anything yet?" Yes actually, what I am noticing is that even if I am not comprehending what I am reading I still go through the motions just to get it done, I mean, I have read the same chapter 3x a day for the past 8.5 days and I'm still reading entire paragraphs that don't seem familiar? How is this possible!? I'm starting to think I have a learning disability? How can I read something so often and still read parts I do not recall? WOW Makes me think the hundreds of books I've read may not have been a great use of my time? Is it normal to read so frequently and still not get it fully? Time will tell as I continue to embrace this personal challenge to BE a better me....
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