Monday, 31 October 2016

Week #6 MasterKey MasterMind Alliance

My husband asks me, "Babe what have you gotten out of this course so far?" Honestly, I struggle to answer.. "Consistency" I replied, which is something I have struggled with my entire professional life. At least I am faithful to my reading the 7+8+1x3+1x3+2x3 + 1x28 pages and the shapes and colours, my dmp, etc so WHY then am I not experiencing what many others are sharing such as, 'moved me to tears' ?

I AM enjoying the time I am forcing myself to take each day to do my required reading. I AM enjoying curling up in the corner of the couch each morning and evening focused and inspired, I AM struggling with the sit and am doing it 3x a week on average - keep putting it off then it gets late then I fall asleep.... why? What am I afraid of? When I do do it, I seem to have a pretty good handle on the expected exercise, is that a good sign? I think so :)

Gratitude is my most favorite feel good and so here I go; I am grateful for my (perfect for me) guide - way to go Mark & Davene! I am grateful for the videos, homework, reading material etc that get posted each week on the kajabi page. I am grateful for the vulnerability others show through their contributions on the alliance pages. I am grateful for my guide.  I want to personally thank my guide Lori for being one of the best! Seriously, it felt so good when Mark said maybe you got a compass in the mail and I was yelling into my computer I did I did!! Lori sent me this sweet little card with a compass inside, (all the way to Canada!) and for her choice to courageously challenge my stubborn attitude (as I build trust with her) which is ultimately setting me up for success in my DMP and my life... thank you Lori!

What I appreciated from the webby this past week was Mark challenging us to find just one sentence that each of us will bring along to Scroll Two (starting tomorrow YAY!). As of now,  I am between, 'Today I begin a new life' and 'I form good habits and become their slave". Decision will be made at bedtime!

In closing, this week it was really brought home to me the importance of effective (aka good) habit creation! IF I create an ineffective (aka bad) habit of any kind really but specifically, setting goals that I do not achieve, it sets me up for a whole party of excuse, disasters and failure! More on that in my next post.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Press Release

Week #5 of MasterKey, MasterMind Alliance

As I sit here imagining what it will be like when I have reached my goals, and all that I want has been manifested I realize that the victory IS when I am interviewed by Oprah it's like a dream! 
This journey of writing my own Press Release is an exercise I've heard about, been invited to participate in and yet this is the first time I've done it and all I can say is WOW! Why didn't I do this before! AND here is a cool observation, in the past I may have gotten stressed a wee bit about putting my vision to paper but guess what I know now to be true.. I can change it! I spent 20 years in the entertainment business and things are tweaked and changed and redone entirely all the time- why did I feel such fear of permanency? Duh! Thank you MJ for reminding us in this past week's webby that we CAN alter as we go along!

Below is my Press release: Take 1 ;)

As best selling author and coach, Meeka Caissie sits with Oprah, the cameras rolling, hair and makeup 3 feet away, she asks her, “Do you know why I am so excited Oprah?” “Why?” Oprah asks, “Because many years ago, a dear mentor said to me that if I wanted to meet you Oprah,  I had to become the kind of woman, Oprah would want to meet… and as I stand here with a huge grin on my face, in the best health of my life, wearing the most beautiful red dress I’ve ever owned, staring into your beautiful wise eyes, under a bright blue sky, the cameras are rolling (to hear about MY life!) it’s this very moment that I realize, I am the kind of woman Oprah would want to meet!!" "Woo hoo!!" Oprah responds playfully.

"Thank you so much Oprah," Meeka continues,  "for inspiring me to be me! My best me! The me that helps millions of men and women live their lives fully, making a huge difference in this world making it a better place, all while experiencing liberty with the love of my life in my dream home, spending winters on the most beautiful beaches in the world! I love my life! Thank you Oprah for being my inspiration!"

It's a joy to watch these two playfully interact as though they have been friends for years. "How did you do it?" Oprah asks? "Great question" Meeka smiles, "I visualized all the things I wanted every day, I could see them, feel them, smell the sea air like I do right at this very moment! I had to get real with myself and everyone around me, I had to be willing to tell my story, embrace the unique me and start to tell it. I had no idea, so many people would want to hear it, that so many would relate! I got real Oprah, and that was all I had to do I guess" Meeka takes a pause, a deep breath and gets a little bit serious for a moment, "All I had to do was be me, for you, Oprah, to want to meet me! Isn't that crazy" she laughs out loud, "That is the most incredible part! That is what is so special about everyone! That is my message to our audience, BE YOU, just BE the best YOU you can be and know that your best will be different everyday and that's OK"  Oprah closes with, "I'm proud of you Meeka, and believe you have a very important message to carry out to the world. Keep on being you, for you shine girlfriend!"

Exclusive written by:
Jennifer Drysdale

Entertainment Tonight

Friday, 21 October 2016

MasterKey MasterMind Alliance Week 4

I am what I think I am. No more, no less. Yikes!

Wakeup read.. my eyes are burning and yet I don't want to stop. What time am I going to read the rest? How about now.. let's get it out of the way is what I'm really thinking.. is that bad? I keep hearing it will pay off well here's what I can say so far; IF I do not do one of my readings I feel massive guilt! Why!? Well because if I don't do it what does that say about me? SCARY THOUGHT! so.. I do it and I do it and I do it... Am I doing this right?

Yahoo! A speed reading course. That was a well invested 3 hours. SO now I read with my book tilted down to 30 degrees, I use a pencil as a pointer, I sway my head from left to right as though I'm playing Atari tennis and lastly I read in swooping links missing 80% of the line BUT I am supposed to keep it up and not worry about retention of what I am reading...great. Thankfully I've read Scroll 1 in GS 60+ times by now and know what it says :) The challenge now is the workbook, I am not retaining much - hope there isn't a test? There are test quiz questions at the back of each lesson though so that is curious? Am I doing this right?

I guess I am in a serious trust building stage here because I am second guessing things. Or am I second guessing myself? This is the lesson for week 4 for me, what are my trust issues really? Are they with me or just about everything else? Am I doing this right?

Eek! My philosophy, (when not under pressure aka the one I am desperately wanting to adopt as my second nature aka my desired natural response aka reaction versus response) is that there is no right or wrong, only effective and ineffective and so after rereading this before posting I want to delete it all and write from my head instead of my heart to look less crazy to the one or two that may read this. I guess I have a fear of judgement after all... let me rephrase that seems I may have a fear of not being liked because it's ok if you judge me positively.

Oh boy there's a can of worms

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Master Keys- MasterMind Alliance Week #3

As I read the 3rd chapter of my workbook, I'm feeling a strange inner conflict mixed with excitement ... I actually think I am finally starting to comprehend this or am I?  Or, is it that this program is so densely powerful that my mind tries to convince myself I get it because of all the time energy and effort I am using to to get it? 

Powers. Possibilities, Progress. I do have control.. IF I stay positive, confident, breath into my diaphragm and fill the solar plexus and eliminate fear? What IF I don't eliminate fear ...what then am I manifesting?

Thought is energy. Yes! How exciting and scary! So in my head, I get it... why then is it taking so long to digest it to the rest of my body? I mean, I'd like very much to comprehend this in a way such that, I can use this powerful information!?  I'd like to be sunshine, radiate sunshine and be magnetic,
(in a good way) who wouldn't? This is tough stuff, or is it? 

To think is to create. What we focus on grows. Where attention goes, energy flows.  Yes Yes Yes! 

When I think of squeezing a lemon into my mouth and instantly I start to salivate I am blown away- the subby really doesn't know the difference between real and not real which is great except... when I read my definite major purpose in life, why do I not start to salivate?  I'm scared! Does biting into a lemon excite me more than liberty, recognition, becoming financially free? More than taking care of my family, more than living in my paid for fully furnished 8000 sq ft dream home, more than feeding and educating children around the world?

Perhaps I simply don't believe it is possible. I don't know how I would feel and so I struggle with pretending to feel a way I wouldn't know?

Week 3, feeling conflicted

Friday, 7 October 2016

Master Key MasterMind Alliance Week 2

I am so grateful for completing this course....this is my mantra. I must sell myself on the feel good of it all, the victory and celebration for who I've become in my self discipline, [Discipline: The ability to give yourself a command and follow it].

The toughest part.. the meditation. I seem to put it off all day and then fall asleep. Not good. Why do I continue to set myself up for failure? Where else am I sabotaging my probable successes?
The second toughest part, saying goodnight to my hubby knowing he'll be far into zzzz land while I struggle to get through my last 30 mins of required reading for the day!

My feel good? I am so excited for the person I am becoming.. I mean, she has always been in there, it's just that now, she is waking up and about to imagine, create and manifest passionately bigger and better than ever before! OH and recently I've (seemingly) inspired my husband to get back to reading his goals each night again, yay!

I keep asking myself, "Self, are you noticing anything yet?" Yes actually, what I am noticing is that even if I am not comprehending what I am reading I still go through the motions just to get it done, I mean, I have read the same chapter 3x a day for the past 8.5 days and I'm still reading entire paragraphs that don't seem familiar? How is this possible!?  I'm starting to think I have a learning disability? How can I read something so often and still read parts I do not recall? WOW Makes me think the hundreds of books I've read may not have been a great use of my time? Is it normal to read so frequently and still not get it fully? Time will tell as I continue to embrace this personal challenge to BE a better me....