Wednesday, 30 November 2016

MasterKey MasterMind Alliance Week #10 What is balance?

Seriously IS balance even possible?

My business is thriving, my personal growth is flowering, my relationship with my prince charming is at a 10, I feel and look better than I can ever remember and I am stressed out because I haven't read this or completed that or done more than 1 sit a week? How can I play this game of AND to the level I expect to and not crash? I mean really, the biggest challenge I am having now is managing my stress and guilt of not completing all of my assignments. Not to mention, my plate is about to be even more full as I chair my next Toastmasters event, have Christmas social events that I must make appearances at, facilitate a workshop for my upcoming Ladies In Power event next Monday eve, fly to Portland for 2 nights to support my growing team there (missing the shareholders dinner for one of our investments) AND I have not yet tapped into my time sensitive personal coaching that I paid several thousands of dollars for AND I will be coaching a team of leaders for 90 days with daily responsibilities and major time and energy commitments each weekend Starting in Jan running through into. Add 3 doctors appointments each week with travel and wait times totaling about 8.75 hours, 14 dog walks at 15 mins each on average is 3.5 hours, grocery shopping, preparing meals every day, laundry and keeping our house clean enough to see the floor (at least!) Every moment of every day is maxed out and then some.

Looking back, it seems all the things I have been manifesting are coming to life and this is exciting! The question I have though is how do others do this or is it that others simply have less going on? Looking ahead there is no time for date nights, sleeping in, creativity or just enjoying a state of nothingness and that.... is not exciting. I am at a cross roads. I must take that nothing ness time at the risk of continuing to exhaustion

Sunday, 27 November 2016

MasterKey MasterMind Alliance Week #9 - LOA at work big time in my life

LOA at work big time in my life~

I have attracted a few new people into my life recently and they have helped me up my game simply by wanting to partner with me. I had a woman reach out to me on facebook. She shares that she has been following me for 3 years and was having big challenges in her health, she asked me to help her. She purchased our biggest package, introduced me to 5 others and because of her courage and my willingness to prepare, all 5 went through the entire 3 step process and chose to partner with us.  This has helped her reach two milestones in the company and her short video testimonial has had more than 6000 hits! Personally, this is most amazing because 1. we may have saved her life and 2. through this work I have been constant in my intention, my discipline and commitment. I manifest continued courage every day and feel really good about my progress which in turn helps others progress and that, is the secret to my happiness.

The biggest 'aha' is that I really must keep ahold of my thoughts. As the days passed, my confidence wavered though with the consistent reading and awareness of my thinking I am able to keep the negative at bay and shout my positive from the rooftops which reinforces the good :)

I come from a place of gratitude and have asked for what I want this past week, setting me up for successes all over and I am on top of my game! I had dinner with the #1 earner in the world in my company and we discovered we are from the same city, have a mutual friend of 30+ years and that we have taken some of the same personal development classes over the years. I was validated for all my hard work when he said he would personally mentor me. I had been asking the universe for leadership in my company that will continue to inspire my own and voila- a terrific bottle of wine some amazing food and my dreams are coming to fruition.

I read my goals each day, I focus on my strengths and build on them, I am gentle and forgiving of  myself when I am not performing as I know I'm capable of. I am learning to love myself bigger and honestly, it has been a great combination of hard work on myself, knowing what to do and not do and being partnered with the greatest support system I could ever ask for, my darling husband Sean.

                                                                      I love my life!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Master Key Master Mind ALliance Week #8

Things are looking up!

I spent the entire day Sunday playing catch up and it feels amazing!
I feel I'm getting way more out of my reading now and actually sitting! Interesting self observation is that IF I get behind I feel like giving up - though I do not give up, I do take a while to get back on creating a bigger gap and more anxiety. Hmmm where did I learn that?

Starting to realize everything is within. I make choices.. actually my habits do, and even my responses and reactions are habits and that terrifies me. I am going this way and that in my head.
Loving this week's (and last week's sit) ... always loved looking at close up and especially things in reverse. As we work on making a baby it is super cool to understand HOW it happens...  not that part ;) Being healthy, having all the parts, timing and so much more. Myself and choices I've made throughout my life that brought me to here... why I want to be a parent and so much more!
Next thought.....

To know what I want, why I want it, what I am doing and why I am doing it is the ultimate question I am asking myself right now.

I have control over my situations, my feelings, my emotions right? Um....NO I really don't, not yet ;)
I have been known to sabotage my personal success, even though I am all about affirmations, worthiness, reading, meditating etc... it is such a tough habit to break and yet when I admit that it seems I am making that 'groove' in my head deeper which is opposite of what I want.

I currently have a foundation, I am president of my Toastmasters, run a growing team in my networking company, help my husband with our construction company, am a terrific dog owner walking 2x a day rain or shine (sharing with hubby) I am involved heavily in personal development and it seems, many friends, business partners, customers, followers want to hear my story. "You could write a book" I hear so often and yet, "If only you knew" runs through my head. What I mean is... YES I have an amazing story, and I ask myself if I choose to tell it, why?  'What is my intention?'
That I needed to suffer to succeed? That things must be bad to be good. That the world can be harsh? That I struggled? Well, this is only my experience - why would I want others to think difficulties need to happen? AND if I do tell my story (in my perspective) what is the cost? I mean really,  many people that I love with all my heart, in fact many are the most important people in my life. I have since forgiven them and we are love now but IF I leverage that story to build myself up or others the ones I love will be hurt. Why would I do that?  IF I am honest about my story as I remember it - a lot of people will be saddened, shocked, even offer pity or sympathy and that is NOT what I want. I struggle with the balance of telling a story of victim (childhood) and making it victor- I don't want people to think they can't have what I have because they didn't live as I lived and yet I want them to know they can have anything... regardless.

I guess ultimately, this post is about love. I have love, I give love, I need love, I believe in love. I am love. Love is all there is. Love always wins. Love is everything.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Master Keys Master Mind Alliance Week #7

"I form good habits and become their slave." Perhaps IF i say this 100x a day I will actually start to?

I read this 3x a day, I reflect, I manifest, I prepare for my day ahead before bed I set small goals so I can build trust and confidence with myself and the last 2 weeks.... I set up goals and did not hit them. I stay up til 130am to get my reading done, I honour the phone rule for an hour b4 bed and all the other things we do but not my little wee goals... not my brilliant opportunity to sit and explore my genius mind?  Self sabotage. Really, I mean my goal last week was to wash my beautiful car.. and I didn't make the time to do that. :(  The week before I was to plant garlic and Kale in my winter garden, and I didn't do that. WHy is it that when I make a commitment to anyone else, anyone else, I fulfill it and allow myself to be last and often do not keep my word with myself? This is a big deal. " I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and in myself" What's up with the myself part? Honestly, this is my homework for this week- I want to create a new habit of keeping the commitments I make to myself!
....  4 days later

I am feeling over whelmed. I suck at not having an opinion, missed the last webinar and will be in Vegas for the next one. I am behind in my role as President in toastmasters, I am behind in follow ups for my personal calls, I am behind in my coach calls, I am behind with my Ladies in Power paperwork and marketing, I am behind in my house work, I did not do my small goal last week, I have not set my new goal yet for this week, I have done more than an hour every day of reading and still have fallen terribly behind- not in the loop for what is due this week and really feel like crap. Can't remember ever feeling so stressed, behind or lost. Perfectionist? Yup AND my character and reputation are everything and being tried this week!! Ahhhhh!!

The speed reading has only caused me to have to reread everything because I have digested nothing in 2 weeks trying to do it- and although she said it's normal I am missing the content and that is probably not normal. Perhaps I could practice on a romance novel or something that would not matter if I got it or not :0

Frustrated and not quitting.


Monday, 31 October 2016

Week #6 MasterKey MasterMind Alliance

My husband asks me, "Babe what have you gotten out of this course so far?" Honestly, I struggle to answer.. "Consistency" I replied, which is something I have struggled with my entire professional life. At least I am faithful to my reading the 7+8+1x3+1x3+2x3 + 1x28 pages and the shapes and colours, my dmp, etc so WHY then am I not experiencing what many others are sharing such as, 'moved me to tears' ?

I AM enjoying the time I am forcing myself to take each day to do my required reading. I AM enjoying curling up in the corner of the couch each morning and evening focused and inspired, I AM struggling with the sit and am doing it 3x a week on average - keep putting it off then it gets late then I fall asleep.... why? What am I afraid of? When I do do it, I seem to have a pretty good handle on the expected exercise, is that a good sign? I think so :)

Gratitude is my most favorite feel good and so here I go; I am grateful for my (perfect for me) guide - way to go Mark & Davene! I am grateful for the videos, homework, reading material etc that get posted each week on the kajabi page. I am grateful for the vulnerability others show through their contributions on the alliance pages. I am grateful for my guide.  I want to personally thank my guide Lori for being one of the best! Seriously, it felt so good when Mark said maybe you got a compass in the mail and I was yelling into my computer I did I did!! Lori sent me this sweet little card with a compass inside, (all the way to Canada!) and for her choice to courageously challenge my stubborn attitude (as I build trust with her) which is ultimately setting me up for success in my DMP and my life... thank you Lori!

What I appreciated from the webby this past week was Mark challenging us to find just one sentence that each of us will bring along to Scroll Two (starting tomorrow YAY!). As of now,  I am between, 'Today I begin a new life' and 'I form good habits and become their slave". Decision will be made at bedtime!

In closing, this week it was really brought home to me the importance of effective (aka good) habit creation! IF I create an ineffective (aka bad) habit of any kind really but specifically, setting goals that I do not achieve, it sets me up for a whole party of excuse, disasters and failure! More on that in my next post.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Press Release

Week #5 of MasterKey, MasterMind Alliance

As I sit here imagining what it will be like when I have reached my goals, and all that I want has been manifested I realize that the victory IS when I am interviewed by Oprah it's like a dream! 
This journey of writing my own Press Release is an exercise I've heard about, been invited to participate in and yet this is the first time I've done it and all I can say is WOW! Why didn't I do this before! AND here is a cool observation, in the past I may have gotten stressed a wee bit about putting my vision to paper but guess what I know now to be true.. I can change it! I spent 20 years in the entertainment business and things are tweaked and changed and redone entirely all the time- why did I feel such fear of permanency? Duh! Thank you MJ for reminding us in this past week's webby that we CAN alter as we go along!

Below is my Press release: Take 1 ;)

As best selling author and coach, Meeka Caissie sits with Oprah, the cameras rolling, hair and makeup 3 feet away, she asks her, “Do you know why I am so excited Oprah?” “Why?” Oprah asks, “Because many years ago, a dear mentor said to me that if I wanted to meet you Oprah,  I had to become the kind of woman, Oprah would want to meet… and as I stand here with a huge grin on my face, in the best health of my life, wearing the most beautiful red dress I’ve ever owned, staring into your beautiful wise eyes, under a bright blue sky, the cameras are rolling (to hear about MY life!) it’s this very moment that I realize, I am the kind of woman Oprah would want to meet!!" "Woo hoo!!" Oprah responds playfully.

"Thank you so much Oprah," Meeka continues,  "for inspiring me to be me! My best me! The me that helps millions of men and women live their lives fully, making a huge difference in this world making it a better place, all while experiencing liberty with the love of my life in my dream home, spending winters on the most beautiful beaches in the world! I love my life! Thank you Oprah for being my inspiration!"

It's a joy to watch these two playfully interact as though they have been friends for years. "How did you do it?" Oprah asks? "Great question" Meeka smiles, "I visualized all the things I wanted every day, I could see them, feel them, smell the sea air like I do right at this very moment! I had to get real with myself and everyone around me, I had to be willing to tell my story, embrace the unique me and start to tell it. I had no idea, so many people would want to hear it, that so many would relate! I got real Oprah, and that was all I had to do I guess" Meeka takes a pause, a deep breath and gets a little bit serious for a moment, "All I had to do was be me, for you, Oprah, to want to meet me! Isn't that crazy" she laughs out loud, "That is the most incredible part! That is what is so special about everyone! That is my message to our audience, BE YOU, just BE the best YOU you can be and know that your best will be different everyday and that's OK"  Oprah closes with, "I'm proud of you Meeka, and believe you have a very important message to carry out to the world. Keep on being you, for you shine girlfriend!"

Exclusive written by:
Jennifer Drysdale

Entertainment Tonight

Friday, 21 October 2016

MasterKey MasterMind Alliance Week 4

I am what I think I am. No more, no less. Yikes!

Wakeup read.. my eyes are burning and yet I don't want to stop. What time am I going to read the rest? How about now.. let's get it out of the way is what I'm really thinking.. is that bad? I keep hearing it will pay off well here's what I can say so far; IF I do not do one of my readings I feel massive guilt! Why!? Well because if I don't do it what does that say about me? SCARY THOUGHT! so.. I do it and I do it and I do it... Am I doing this right?

Yahoo! A speed reading course. That was a well invested 3 hours. SO now I read with my book tilted down to 30 degrees, I use a pencil as a pointer, I sway my head from left to right as though I'm playing Atari tennis and lastly I read in swooping links missing 80% of the line BUT I am supposed to keep it up and not worry about retention of what I am reading...great. Thankfully I've read Scroll 1 in GS 60+ times by now and know what it says :) The challenge now is the workbook, I am not retaining much - hope there isn't a test? There are test quiz questions at the back of each lesson though so that is curious? Am I doing this right?

I guess I am in a serious trust building stage here because I am second guessing things. Or am I second guessing myself? This is the lesson for week 4 for me, what are my trust issues really? Are they with me or just about everything else? Am I doing this right?

Eek! My philosophy, (when not under pressure aka the one I am desperately wanting to adopt as my second nature aka my desired natural response aka reaction versus response) is that there is no right or wrong, only effective and ineffective and so after rereading this before posting I want to delete it all and write from my head instead of my heart to look less crazy to the one or two that may read this. I guess I have a fear of judgement after all... let me rephrase that seems I may have a fear of not being liked because it's ok if you judge me positively.

Oh boy there's a can of worms