Seriously IS balance even possible?
My business is thriving, my personal growth is flowering, my relationship with my prince charming is at a 10, I feel and look better than I can ever remember and I am stressed out because I haven't read this or completed that or done more than 1 sit a week? How can I play this game of AND to the level I expect to and not crash? I mean really, the biggest challenge I am having now is managing my stress and guilt of not completing all of my assignments. Not to mention, my plate is about to be even more full as I chair my next Toastmasters event, have Christmas social events that I must make appearances at, facilitate a workshop for my upcoming Ladies In Power event next Monday eve, fly to Portland for 2 nights to support my growing team there (missing the shareholders dinner for one of our investments) AND I have not yet tapped into my time sensitive personal coaching that I paid several thousands of dollars for AND I will be coaching a team of leaders for 90 days with daily responsibilities and major time and energy commitments each weekend Starting in Jan running through into. Add 3 doctors appointments each week with travel and wait times totaling about 8.75 hours, 14 dog walks at 15 mins each on average is 3.5 hours, grocery shopping, preparing meals every day, laundry and keeping our house clean enough to see the floor (at least!) Every moment of every day is maxed out and then some.
Looking back, it seems all the things I have been manifesting are coming to life and this is exciting! The question I have though is how do others do this or is it that others simply have less going on? Looking ahead there is no time for date nights, sleeping in, creativity or just enjoying a state of nothingness and that.... is not exciting. I am at a cross roads. I must take that nothing ness time at the risk of continuing to exhaustion