Thursday, 29 September 2016

OMG It's only week 1!

The dance with self begins now as I embark on a 6 month guided Master Mind program.
At this very moment I am experiencing many different thoughts and emotions for example, I am super fired up for who I will become and I want to throw up in my mouth for what it's going to take to undo some of my diamond hard (and brilliant) programs, habits and beliefs.
I mean, these have served me so well until now.... I'm alive, healthy in a happy marriage with a fabulous man, have an adorable dog that everyone wants to borrow (great for meeting people, for cuddling and of course for those not wanting to pick up dog doodoo, hair and the occasional grass/stick/shoe induced barf  - borrowing is easier!). 

I met this crazy awesome Polish-Italian guy who seems to be kind, smart and surrounded with amazing people like his wife and kids. He says his goal is to help people BE better which in turn can save the world (my interpretation of course) and well.. YES I want to BE better, I'm in! Not sure what I have to do but let's go for it! Sign me up!

I missed the first few days... and now is catch up! AHHHH!! Read, sign, commit, record, report,, read, read then, read out loud some more!! Write, create, reflect, meditate, set some goals and get organised enough to actually implement this on a daily basis all while still running 2 businesses plus being President of my Toast Masters Club, Founder and President of a non profit with monthly events to prepare for, promote and facilitate and then there are board meetings! Let's add cleaning the house, laundry bla bla bla OH and of course doing the grocery shopping, making dinners and walking our fabulous four legged fur ball 2x day, (like any good dog owner does!).

Can I do this... YES and so can YOU, IF you have enough crazy *aka self love) in you. Let's go!